Find A Cockroach In Your Home? Chances Are There Are More: What You Can Do

Cockroaches are pests that lurk at night, roaming around your home looking for food and water. They hide out during the daytime, so you may not see them until you have an infestation in your home. If you've found one cockroach, there's a chance that you have a lot more than you think. Cockroaches are rarely just by themselves, so if you've found one, you have a problem that you need to have taken care of. Read on for helpful information to get rid of cockroaches if you've found one in your home.

Look Around At Night

You'll see the most activity at night or in dark areas of your home. If you have a basement, go into it without turning on the lights and just take a flashlight with you to check if you see any cockroaches scurrying about. If you see them, you have a good idea of where they are and just how many you are dealing with. If you don't see any in your basement, wait until night and look around in your kitchen, as this is more than likely where they will go to look for food and water. 

Look For Signs

Check your home for signs of cockroaches. Now that you have seen what pest you are dealing with, you can look for the signs of a pest issue. Signs may include dead roaches, grease marks along the baseboards or on other areas of your walls, live roaches, or a musty odor that cockroaches give off. If you've seen or noticed these signs, you should call a professional pest control company for help.

Start Some Pest Control Of Your Own

In addition to hiring a professional to take care of your pest problem, you're also going to want to do some pest control of your own. Clean out pantries and cabinets that hold food and place the food in air-tight containers for the time being. Then clean out these areas using a bleach and water solution, or a vinegar and dish soap solution. Clean your home to remove grease and oils that have built up that may be attracting these pests to your home. Then you need to spray your home to kill these pests and set traps that help to kill these pests, both of which can be found at your local hardware or big box stores. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for use.

If you have found one cockroach in your home, there's a pretty good chance you have a lot more than just that one. As such, contact a pest control service. They can help with this pest problem before it gets out of hand.
